Condensed matter, atomic and biological physics
We comprise experimental groups studying emerging phenomena in complex systems of sizes ranging from atomic to macroscopic.
Facilities include those within the Photon Science Institute and the Centre for Mesoscience and Nanotechnology here at the University, and in laboratories across Europe.
We have particular expertise in the following areas:
Atomic physics
Our atomic physicists study fundamental interactions between electrons, lasers, atoms and molecules. These include electron excitation and ionization, high resolution laser photoionization, production and study of laser-cooled and trapped atoms, and production of ultra-high resolution electron beams for injection into future accelerators.
Biological physics
Our research in this area centres on biointerfaces, surface biocompatibility, the controlled release of plasmid DNA, and the effects of surface chemistries and topology on vascular cell growth and tissue structuring.
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Condensed matter physics
Our research in this area covers nanoscale and mesoscopic materials (graphene being a noteworthy example), metamaterials and quantum fluids and solids.
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Photon physics
Our research programme covers areas as diverse as advanced semiconductor structures for new sources of low energy lighting, the physics and chemistry of quantum dot solar cells, medical and biological uses of lasers, and fundamental studies of atomic and molecular physics.
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Physics of fluids and soft matter
Our fluids and soft matter research is primarily concerned with experimental and theoretical studies of the physics of fluid flows.
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Soft matter: liquid crystals
Our soft matter experts are primarily concerned with experimental studies of the physics of liquid crystals: from self-assembly and order to pattern formation, electro-optic phenomena and device optimisation.
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